"...the understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgments sounder, and your life closer to your heart's desire."

—Isabel Myers

Like the reflections of the trees on the water, descriptions of personality type patterns are merely reflections of the human patterns of life. Sometimes these patterns are easy to see in ourselves and in others. At other times we miss important aspects of the patterns because they fall in our blind spots and are in the shadow.

The personality type code devised by Isabel Myers can be a powerful tool for explaining individual differences. And while the type code embodies a simple presentation, it was meant to represent a whole personality pattern. We are more than the letters of the code or the sum of our preferences. Once we realize that we are dynamics and constantly developing, we are freer to step outside our natural pattern, bridge communication gaps, and follow our natural instincts for developing unexplored aspects of ourselves.

Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code presents a first-of-its-kind look at the sixteen personality types and takes you deep into the richness of the patterns. You will explore the whole range of cognitive processes available to you for accessing and gathering information and for evaluating that information as well as how those processes play out in your personality in both positive and negative ways.

Table of Contents

    1. Important Agreements

    2. About this Online Version

    1. Understanding Yourself and Others, An Introduction to the Personality Type Code—The Whole Book

    2. About the Book

    3. Table of Contents

    4. A Word from the Authors

    5. Introduction--Page 1

    1. Understanding Your Best-Fit Type--Pages 2-4

    1. Cognitive Dynamics-What to Wear--Page 5

    2. Perception--Pages 6-8

    3. Perception: What Fits Worksheet--Page 8

    4. Judgment--Pages 10-13

    5. Judgment: What Fits Worksheet--page 12

    1. Preferred Processes--Page 14

    1. Orientation to the External World--Page 15

About this course

  • $15.95
  • 40 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

About the Authors

Senior Learning Facilitator Linda Berens

Linda V. Berens, Ph.D. is a human and organizational development practitioner who has been teaching professionals since 1982 as well as helping individuals and teams recognize their strengths, transcend their weaknesses, and work together better. Linda is recognized internationally in the field of individual differences, developing an innovative, robust system of exploring CORE Personal Patterns to foster development of individuals, teams, and organizations. A warm, engaging teacher, she has contributed to the success of many professional change agents through her theoretical contributions to the field of psychological type and user-friendly training materials for practical application of understanding individual differences. She is the author or co-author of multiple books and training materials.In addition to holding a license as a California Marriage and Family Therapist and a doctorate in psychology, she also holds certification as a Holacracy Facilitator and in Integral Transformative Leadership from Pacific Integral and the LIOS Graduate College at Saybrook University.

Adjunct Instructor Dario Nardi

Dario Nardi, Ph.D. is an international author, researcher, speaker and expert in neuroscience, personality, and body-mind practices. He holds a Senior Lecturer position at University of California (Los Angeles), where he won UCLA's Copenhaver Award for Innovative Use of Technology in 2005 and UCLA's Distinguished Teacher of the year in 2011. His books include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to Self-Leadership, Jung on Yoga, and Facets of Ayahuasca, among other titles. We writes game books and fiction. And he is the creator of the Personality Types iPhone app. Since 2006, Dario has focused on conducting hands-on brain research, utilizing insights of real-time EEG technology. Applications extend to coaching, counseling, education, games, healthcare, leadership development, yoga, and many other areas. He regularly keynotes international conferences and facilitates workshops, teaching professionals about the art and science of the brain. Dario is currently based in Los Angeles, USA and Oslo, Norway.