Community and Connection with InterStrength™ is a place for us to gather together and share experiences about how we are each coping in today's climate and how to remain in alignment with our natural and developed personality aspects.

Join us for regular monthly open discussions where we continue to learn together as we explore how current life situations are impacting our lives. We will learn from short lessons and sharing of insights and examples, as well as gain support for growth, development, and navigating challenging times.

This course is your access to participate in free monthly InterStrength™ sessions with Linda and Stephanie Berens held on the first Tuesdays, 11:00 am - 12:00 noon Pacific Time. In times of crisis we may add more frequent sessions from time to time.

We will frequently discuss various aspects of the InterStrength™ Approach to self-awareness and self-management involves a self-discovery process using three different lenses:

  • The Interaction Style lens 
  • The Essential Motivators lens
  • The Intentional Drivers lens
Each of these lenses helps us see core psychological needs and drivers, the talents that help us get these needs/drivers met, and the stress we experience when they are not met.

We'd love to have you join us for more learning and opportunities to ask questions about the InterStrength™ Approach and lenses. Please contact [email protected] for more information about the certification programs and the other learning opportunities available.

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to Community and Connection

    2. Important Agreements

    3. InterStrength™ Practitioner Code of Ethics

    1. NEW ZOOM LINK for Community and Connection Live Sessions

    2. Help with Zoom

    3. Navigating Inside Zoom Meetings

    4. Participating in Live Sessions

    1. InterStrength™ Approach Overview

    2. Lenses Approach Overview

    3. Optional: Overview of Multiple Models: Happiness in the Communication Zone™ Videos

    1. Video: Brief Overview of Interaction Styles

    2. Exploring more about Interaction Styles

    1. Video: Brief Overview of Essential Motivators

    2. Exploring more about Essential Motivators

    1. Video: Brief Overview of the Cognitive Dynamics Lens

    2. Exploring Whole Type and Cognitive Dynamics

About this course

  • Free
  • 56 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

About the instructor

Senior Learning Facilitator Linda Berens

Linda V. Berens, Ph.D. is a human and organizational development practitioner who has been teaching professionals since 1982 as well as helping individuals and teams recognize their strengths, transcend their weaknesses, and work together better. Linda is recognized internationally in the field of individual differences, developing an innovative, robust system of exploring CORE Personal Patterns to foster development of individuals, teams, and organizations. A warm, engaging teacher, she has contributed to the success of many professional change agents through her theoretical contributions to the field of psychological type and user-friendly training materials for practical application of understanding individual differences. She is the author or co-author of multiple books and training materials.In addition to holding a license as a California Marriage and Family Therapist and a doctorate in psychology, she also holds certification as a Holacracy Facilitator and in Integral Transformative Leadership from Pacific Integral and the LIOS Graduate College at Saybrook University.

Senior Instructor Stephanie Berens

Stephanie Berens serves as co-founder, managing partner, coach and facilitator for InterStrength. Stephanie's education is in Behavioral Studies and Communication as well as a deep understanding of diversity and personality type and has been immersed in this business since 1995. She has been extensively trained and mentored by Linda Berens throughout her life and has used that knowledge of psychological type in all aspects—from coaching, to helping build businesses, to applications to sales and marketing. Her professional experience with psychological type ranges from roles managing Business Development, as Training Manager, and in CRM for a training, consulting and publishing company. Her current roles allow her to follow her passion of helping people understand one another, communicate well, and work more effectively together as well as build a business that is dedicated to serving others. She is a Certified Coach Practitioner and specializes in strategies to help reduce conflict and communicate effectively.